Invierno 2019 | Su Historia | para los miembros de Centennial Care

4 1. ¿Cuántos años tiene? Menos de 40 años (0 puntos) Entre 40 y 49 años (1 punto) Entre 50 y 59 años (2 puntos) Más de 60 años (3 puntos) 2. ¿Es hombre o mujer? Hombre (1 punto) Mujer (0 puntos) 3. Si es mujer, ¿alguna vez le diagnosticaron diabetes gestacional? Sí (1 punto) No (0 puntos) 4. ¿Alguno de sus padres o hermanos tiene diabetes? Sí (1 punto) No (0 puntos) 5. ¿Alguna vez le diagnosticaron presión arterial alta? Sí (1 punto) No (0 puntos) 6. ¿Hace actividad física? Sí (0 puntos) No (1 punto) 7. ¿Cuál es su peso y estatura? Vea el cuadro de la derecha. you at risk for pe 2 diabetes? TYPE 2 DIABETES AWARENESS old are you? s than 40 years (0 points) 49 years (1 point) 59 years (2 points) years or older (3 points) you a man or a woman? (1 point) Woman (0 oints) ou are a woman, have you ever been gnosed with gestational diabetes? (1 point) No (0 points) you have a mother, father, sister or ther with diabetes? (1 point) No (0 points) e you ever been diagnosed with high od pressure? (1 point) No (0 points) you physically active? (0 points) No (1 point) at is your weight category? chart at right. u scored 5 or higher: e at increased risk for having type 2 es. However, only your doctor can tell e if you do have type 2 diabetes or betes, a condition in which blood glucose are higher than normal but not yet high h to be diagnosed as diabetes. Talk to your to see if additional testing is needed. diabetes is more common in African cans, Hispanics/Latinos, Native Americans, Americans, and Native Hawaiians and Islanders. body weight increases diabetes risk for ne. Asian Americans are at increased WRITE YOUR SCORE IN THE BOX. ADD UP YOUR SCORE. Height Weight (lbs.) 4´ 10˝ 119–142 143–190 191+ 4´ 11˝ 124–147 148–197 198+ 5´ 0˝ 128–152 153–203 204+ 5´ 1˝ 132–157 158–210 211+ 5´ 2˝ 136–163 164–217 218+ 5´ 3˝ 141–168 169–224 225+ 5´ 4˝ 145–173 174–231 232+ 5´ 5˝ 150–179 180–239 240+ 5´ 6˝ 155–185 186–246 247+ 5´ 7˝ 159–190 191–254 255+ 5´ 8˝ 164–196 197–261 262+ 5´ 9˝ 169–202 203–269 270+ 5´ 10˝ 174–208 209–277 278+ 5´ 11˝ 179–214 215–285 286+ 6´ 0˝ 184–220 221–293 294+ 6´ 1˝ 189–226 227–301 302+ 6´ 2˝ 194–232 233–310 311+ 6´ 3˝ 200–239 240–318 319+ 6´ 4˝ 205–245 246–327 328+ 1 point 2 points 3 points If you weigh less than the amount in the left column: 0 points Adapted from Bang et al., Ann Intern Med 151:775–783, 2009. Original algorithm was validated without gestational diabetes as part of the model. The good news is you can manage your risk for type 2 diabetes. Small steps make a big difference in helping you live a longer, healthier life. Are you at risk for type 2 diabetes? TYPE 2 DIABETES AWARENESS 1. How old are you? Less than 40 years (0 points) 40–49 ye rs (1 poi t) 5 –59 years (2 points) 60 years or older (3 points) 2. Are you a man or a woman? Man (1 point) Woman (0 points) 3. If you are a woman, have you ever been diagnosed with gestational diabetes? Yes (1 point) No (0 points) 4. Do you have a mother, father, sister or brother with iabetes? Yes (1 point) No (0 points) 5 H v you ever been diagnosed with high blood pressure? Y s (1 point) No (0 points) 6. Are you physically active? Yes (0 points) No (1 point) 7. What is your weight category? See chart at right. If you scored 5 or higher: You are at increased risk for having type 2 diabetes. However, only your doctor can tell for sure if you d have type 2 diabetes or prediabetes, a condition in which blood glucose levels are higher than normal but not yet high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. Talk to your doctor to see if additional testing is needed. Type 2 diabetes is more common in African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, Native Americans, Asian Americans, and Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders. Higher body weight increases diabetes risk for everyone. Asian Americans are at increased diabetes risk at lower body weight than the rest of the general public (about 15 pounds lower). WRITE YOUR SCORE IN THE BOX. ADD UP YOUR SCORE. Height Weight (lbs.) 4´ 10˝ 119–142 143–190 191+ 4´ 11˝ 124–147 148–197 198+ 5´ 0˝ 128–152 153–203 204+ 5´ 1˝ 132–157 158–210 211+ 5´ 2˝ 136–163 164–217 218+ 5´ ˝ 141–168 169–224 225+ 5´ 4˝ 145–173 174–231 232+ 5´ 5˝ 150–179 180–239 240+ 5´ 6˝ 155–185 186–246 247+ 5´ 7˝ 159–190 191–254 255+ 5´ 8˝ 164–196 197–261 262+ 5´ 9˝ 169–202 203–269 2 0+ 5´ 10˝ 174–208 209–277 278+ 5´ 11˝ 179–214 215–285 286+ 6´ 0˝ 184–220 221–293 294+ 6´ 1˝ 189–226 227–301 302+ 6´ 2˝ 194–232 233–310 311+ 6´ 3˝ 200–239 240–318 319+ 6´ 4˝ 205–245 246–327 328+ 1 point 2 points 3 points If you weigh less than the amount in the left column: 0 points Adapted from Bang et al., Ann Intern Med 151:775–783, 2009. Original algorithm was validated without gestational diabetes as part of the model. The good news is you can manage your risk for type 2 diabetes. Small steps make a big difference in helping you live a longer, healthier life. 4’ 10” 119-142 143-190 191+ 4’ 11” 124-147 148-197 198+ 5’ 0” 128-152 153-203 204+ 5’ 1” 132-157 158-210 211+ 5’ 2” 136-163 164-217 218+ 5’ 3” 141-168 169-2 4 225+ 5’ 4” 145-173 174-23 23 + 5’ 5” 0-179 180-239 40+ 5’ 6” 155-185 186-246 247+ 5’ 7” 159-190 191-254 255+ 5’ 8” 164-196 197-261 262+ 5’ 9” 169-202 203-269 270+ 5’ 10” 174-208 209-277 278+ 5’ 11” 179-214 215-285 286+ 6’ 0” 184-220 221-293 294+ 6’ 1” 189-226 227-301 302+ 6’ 2” 4-232 233-310 311+ 6’ 3” 200-239 240-318 319+ 6’ 4” 205-245 246-327 328+ 1 punto 2 puntos 3 puntos Si pesa menos de la cantidad que aparece en la columna izquierda: 0 puntos Estatura Peso (libras) Fuente: American Diabetes Association Adaptado de Bang et. al., Ann Intern Med 151:775–783, 2009. El algoritmo original se validó sin la diabetes gestacional como parte del modelo. Si obtuvo 5 puntos o más: Tiene un may r i sgo de padecer diabetes tipo 2. Sin embargo, solo su médico puede saber con certeza si tiene diabetes tipo 2 o prediabetes, una afección en la que los niveles de glucosa en sangre son más altos de lo norm l, pero no lo suficientemente altos para diagn ticar diabetes. Hable con su médico para ver si se necesitan más pruebas. La diabetes tipo 2 es más común en los afroamericanos, hispanos/latinos, indígenas estadounidens s, asiát os e t dounid nses y n tivos de Hawái y l s islas del Pacífico. Cuanto mayor sea el peso corporal, mayor es el riesgo de padecer diabetes en todas las personas. Los asiáticos estadounidenses c rren un mayor riesgo de padecer diabetes con un eso orporal más bajo que el resto del público en general (unas 15 libras menos). ¿Corre riesgo de tener diabetes tipo 2? CONCIENCIA SOBRE LA DI BETES TIPO 2 ANOTE SU PUNTAJE EN LA CASILLA. SUME EL PUNTAJE. La buena noticia e que p ede control r su riesgo de padecer diabet s tipo 2. Los p queños pasos hacen una gran d ferencia en ayudarle a llevar una vid más larga y saludable.